Graduation Day at Samara Polytech

12 Jul 2024

Students completed pre-university course of the Ruissian language

On July foreign citizens were awarded Certificates for successful completion of additional general education program by Department for Collaboration with Foreign Students. Thus, students may enter either Samara Polytech, or other Ruissia’s Universities to start their Academic training in Russian.

At the awarding ceremony students were congratulated by Vice-Rector of International Cooperation Anna S. Zotova, Vice-Rector of Educational and Social Work Evgenii V. Frank, Head of the Department for Cooperation with Foreign Students Elena Prokofeva, Director of the Center for Additional Training of Foreign Students Elena Shipanova, and Academic staff, as well as Samara Polytech current international students.

In return, the foreigners thanks were put into creative performances and videos.

This year’s geography included Egypt, Cameroon, Yemen, Morocco, Syria, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, China, Algeria, Nigeria, Turkmenistan, Ecuador, Peru, Chad, Honduras, Tajikistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Senegal, Panama , Iraq, Angola, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Comoros, Ivory Coast, India, Equatorial Guinea, Somalia. 9 months students not only were mastering their Russian, but За девять месяцев учебы ребята освоили не только русский язык, but also mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, history of Russia and the basics of Russian legislation.

“This year, 90 of our students graduated from the university,” said Elena Prokofeva, “16 of them received honors diplomas and almost half of the students defended their final qualifying work with excellent marks. Some of them will stay in Russia, some will go to their country, but I am sure that everyone will proudly bear the title of Polytech student”.

Noteworthy, this is the second year in a row a foreign student has been included in the Golden Fund. Mohammed Ali Ahmed Abdelghani from Egypt graduated in Electrical Engineering. He is an active participant and organizer of public events, head of the Polytechnic Interclub. The first foreign student who joined our Gold Fund was a graduate of the Institute of Oil and Gas Technology, Vicky Wira Kusuma, from Indonesia.