Samara Polytech Enter UI GreenMetric Ranking

06 Dec 2023

The results of Annual Global Ranking of Sustainable Development by UI GreenMetric have been published

The results of Annual Global Ranking of Sustainable Development by UI GreenMetric have been published. This year, the list includes 1183 educational institutions from different countries. Samara Polytech has taken 623rd place in the prestigious list this year. Our university has also confirmed its high positions in the national segment of the research. Thus, among the 48 Russian universities, Samara Polytech is ranked 22nd.

The global research, initiated by the University of Indonesia in 2010, aims to evaluate universities' efforts in maintaining the ecological sustainability of their campuses. The financial matters (profit and cost savings) and the social aspect (interaction with society and social engagement) are also taken into account.

University activities are evaluated in six categories: environment and infrastructure; energy efficiency and climate change impact; waste management; rational use of water resources; transportation policy; education and research. Samara Polytech has shown the most rapid growth in the field of energy and climate change. Our university has also strengthened its positions in water resource utilization, science, and education.

Being in GreenMetric ranking list UI provides universities with several advantages. First and foremost, it is the status of a leader in sustainable development, as well as the opportunity for internationalization of activities.