Samara Polytech introduced brand new Educational Programmes to Chinese Partners
Chinese Academy of Management Science Representatives went on a business trip from Beijing to Samara to discuss mutual interests within Cooperation Agreement that was signed in 2021. Partnership includes implementing joint Business Educational Programmes as well as General Higher Education Programmes. To achieve the goals Samara Polytech announced opening of China and Russia International Center for Business Education.
Last year Dongying Vocational Institute students entered an Academic Programme which is to be continued in Russia after their 3 year of studies in China. After mastering Joint Academic Programmes the graduates will be awarded with their Degrees by both Higher Education Institutions. The Partner Institute is a National Hub for experts in Oil and Gas Industry.
“Academy of Management Science Supervisors in charge for Regional Academic Programmes intend to enhance training of experts for North-Western parts of the country” says Vice-Rector of International Cooperation Anna S. Zotova. “Our partners express their interest in Machinery Production, IT and Oil and Gas Technologies. We in our turn are willing to widen our cooperation with the colleagues from China”.
Also, Cooperation Agreement was signed by Samara Polytech and East China Jiaotong University. This is a beginning for Joint Academic Programmes in Human Resource Management and Informatics and Information Technologies.